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1. 在学校上课时,当你听到吵杂的声音(例如:飞机声、打雷声、同学讲话声、来往的汽、机车声、喇叭声、广播声、铃声、宣传声……等),都会影响我们的听课,进而影响学习效果。
2. 在医院的病人需要宁静的场所来休息养病,如果有了噪音(咳嗽声、呻吟声、讲话声、小孩的哭声……等),病患将无法获得充分的休息,进而影响病情痊愈的进度。
3. 在图书馆阅读书报时,如果有了噪音(脚步声、讲话声、东西掉落地面声……等),精神则无法集中,进而影响阅读的效果。
4. 长期生活在吵闹噪音中,(工厂机器运转声、飞机场飞机起降声)会使耳朵听力减弱,甚至情绪低落,身心受到伤害,进而使得工作效率降低,严重的还会造成心理上的疾病。

What are the harmful effects of noise

1. In school, when you hear a noisy sound (for example: aircraft sound, playing thunder, classmates speech sound, and from the car and motorcycle sound, horn sound, sound, ring tones, advocacy voice ... ... and so on) will affect our lectures, thereby affecting learning.
2. In the hospital patients need a quiet place to rest, rest and recuperation, If there is noise (coughing sound, moaning sound, speech sound, children cry ... ... and so on), the patient will not receive adequate rest, and thus affect their condition cured progress.
3. In the library reading books and newspapers, if you have a noise (footsteps, speech sound, sound of something falling on the ground ... ... and so on), the spirit of the inability to concentrate, thereby affecting read the results.
4. A long time living in the noisy noise, (factory machines running the sound of planes taking off and landing airport sound) ear hearing will diminish, or even depression, physical and psychological harm, thus making the work of efficiency, can also cause serious psychological disease.